That cliché post about old friends
I have known a lot of people over the years. But my life has been one of a nomad. I have moved so many times that I have developed very few of those really deep friendships that require years to develop.
Friday I had a chance to see one of those friends. Dean Curtis is The friend who has done the most to stay in close contact with me over the many years. We developed our friendship starting about when our two boys were born in 1992. His son Andy and my son Brandt grew up together. They attended play groups and daycare together, our wives worked together, and our families spent a lot of time together. We got to be very close over the years. Then in 2001 when we moved to Australia, Dean was there for some 15 or 20 going away parties as our departure date to move to Australia kept getting moved back in the days following 911.

When we can back to the US in 2004, the welcome home party was at Dean and Cindy’s house. We haven’t seen each other too many times since then, but I often get a phone call from him. He is always telling me to eat my green leafy vegetables and has a fun inside joke that I won’t embarrass my wife by sharing the details.
Anyway, we got a chance to see his family again this Friday at his son Andy’s Senior Vocal Recital at St. Olaf. College. His son performed one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen by an amateur. And we were there.
It was great to see our old friends who have gone out of their way to maintain our friendship. And as the cliche goes, it was as if we had seen each other yesterday.
Day 28