Day 1: A cleansing Breath

You know, sometimes people just suck. I don’t mean everyone sucks. I just mean that sometimes you have just had enough of people. Right now I am like that.
I hesitate to tell you how disappointed I am in the people who have seized control in the US and beyond. To me, greed, power lust and selfishness are the least desirable human characteristics.
But, I periodically find myself wrapped up in the games that are being played. And don’t get me wrong, it is important to be informed and look forward to anticipate where things are headed. But sometimes I get carried away and sometimes I get caught up in it all. When this happens it begins to slowly suck the joy out of my life.
I let this happen every once in a while, and then I have to find a way to dig myself out so that I can have some peace of mind. This is a recent post I made to Facebook:
“I think the solution for me is that every time I find myself fixated on the evils of unchecked power, that I need to pour that energy instead into artistic creation. I want to take up painting, return to writing, and improve my photography and music. I will smile more often if I do.” (3/21/2015 08:14)
So that is what brings me here. Today is the last day of Spring Break 2015, and I took my camera out to try to start the “improve my photography” part. And while I was out taking pictures and anticipating a snowstorm, I came to a conclusion. I decided that I could use a blog as a way to take care of a couple of these things at the same time.
So, this is my first movement toward pouring my energy into artistic creation. I am going to post something every day.

This birdhouse was one of the things I photographed. I was drawn to it by its texture, but then as I was focusing on the opening I “saw the light”.

This set of photographs was inspired by Peter Galante, “Learn to see the light”.
So that is enough for today. I will post again tomorrow.