Garden Spring Cleaning
I really wanted to spend some time outside today, but it was just too chilly with the wind to spend much time outside. So, I ended up working in my garden. It had gotten a bit out of control, so I had to clean the place up.

This is how I operate. I get into the midst of things and clutter gathers in piles. Then, the time comes and it is time for me to clean everything up and get it back to a state of normalcy with a place for everything and everything in its place.
Along the way I found a way to add another light to my upper deck.

With this little rig, I could have 9 or 10 trays of seedlings. It is designed to allow the sun to shine directly onto all of the trays, and then that is supplemented by three sets of fluorescent grow lights.
This year I started my plants around March 15, some earlier than others. By now I am able to see which pots have failed to germinate, and which have more than one plant in them. So, today I had a chance to sit there and talk to my mother on the phone about nothing in particular and transplant plants from pots with more than one into pots that hadn’t germinated. It may not seem like much, but it is a chance for me to get a head start on spring and get my hands in the dirt.

It looks like spring, it smells like spring, and it gives me a jump on the gardening season. We can expect our last frost on May 15. By then most of these will be 8 weeks old, the perfect age for transplanting.
And as a bonus, my wife no longer has to walk by and be distressed by the amount of dirt I bring into the house in the spring.
Day 12