Changes in life, looking back, looking forward

Surviving a rough patch in the road.

Since I last published to this blog, the whole world has changed. Some of it has been political, some of it has been religious, some economic, and I don’t even need to say anything about COVID.
We are seeing a different world than the one that we saw the last time I posted here. Ultimately, I believe the world will be a better place for many of the changes. But there are a host of people worldwide who have shown that they are not in favor of a civil society. Ignorance has been elevated for some to being a lofty goal, and they are working real hard at it. Critical thinking has been abandoned by a third of the people, embracing a selfish, angry and hateful view of the world.

The journey over the last few years has been hard, for me and for many others. I went through 18 months of waves of illness that left me, at times, unable to do anything but sleep, eat and manage bodily functions. I was isolated for about 14 months, never going into a store, restaurant, bar or anywhere else except for home and camping. But it gave me a chance to think, a lot. It gave me a chance to look inward and an opportunity to understand what is valuable to me.

I was very angry for a while, but I have learned how to manage that on a spiritual level instead of an ego level. And I am much better for it. I am at peace (most of the time), and I have learned how to maintain that peace even when it seems like the world around me is embroiled in chaos.
I recognized that for me the meaning of life is love. And I have found the path to peace within me. It has been a profound period in my life.

I lost my mom to Alzheimer’s. We lost my wife’s mother as well, though we don’t know how or why because it was in the middle of the first wave of the Pandemic in NY in 2020 and she was living in a nursing home at the time.

I’ve lost friends to Covid. But I have lost more to the ignorance that has been prevalent for the last two years. Frankly, if you are unwilling to wear a mask and get vaccinated to save my life, you really are not a person that is a friend.
So now I am back, different for sure, but healthy again and preparing for how I am going to spend the rest of my life with my wife. I have come to terms with being tied to an employer because of health insurance, even though that employer does not value me or any of my colleagues. And I guess that is okay. I recognize it for what it is, and will never again let that affect my well-being. It is a job, it is not my life. And it is sometimes really hard to get to a place where you can live with that in peace. But I have.
That is really all I wanted to say. I am changing providers that host this site, and so I wanted to check in so that it is at least a little current. Most of my effort goes into my other properties, but even those were left to linger while my health, the pandemic and a society hell bent on destruction took the stage. Hopefully things will start to normalize and I will be able to spend more time and effort on the things I love, like music, art and sharing my thoughts online.
I wish you all peace and love, they are what is important in all of our lives.
