State of Mind

View of East Dock on Wee Wee Caye, Belize
Choosing peaceful thoughts

A week or so ago I made the conscious decision to bring myself back to a peaceful state of mind.  I took up blogging, did some photography and maybe most importantly stopped reading things that told me what about how Scott Walker is killing Wisconsin.  Frankly, I don’t need people to tell me, I already know.  But like so many other things, too much of anything becomes toxic.

I guess you could say that I placed myself in detox.  And I have to say, that it appears to be working.  This week I had two people I know ask me what I was smiling about.  One saw me walking down the street, and the other saw me standing in her office.

The problem isn’t that I am suddenly in a better state of mind.  The problem is that I had let myself get into a state of mind where people weren’t used to seeing me smile.  If you know me, you know I smile.  Or, at least I used to.

My picture of the day today is a picture I took on Wee Wee Caye off the coast of Belize.  I was down there in January, and during the 10 days I was in Belize I go so relaxed that I returned to my old habit of randomly breaking out in song.  THAT is who I am, that is where I want to be.

This picture is here to remind me that sometimes we get to choose our state of mind.




Categories: Pondering